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Lift Lockers


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What Are Lift Lockers?

Gone are the days of disrupted lash wraps!  Lift Lockers are unique silicone strips designed with a fashioned contour and curvature to cover, envelope and hug onto the lashes while they are wrapped around your rods or shields.  They are made of soft and supple silicone that is flexible and moldable enough that the wrap is seamless without disrupting lashes or the lotions.  This is such a beneficial inclusion to our range to hold lashes in place, offering support and direction while the chemical process is taking place.  Imagine being able to tell your lashes to “sit” and “stay” ? – this is it! (#ultimatedoglover)


Features to Adore!

  1. Ultra-Secure: Designed with state-of-the-art locking curvature to shape to the lash wrap without disruption and in a manner that’s complimentary to our brilliantly designed and globally loved Flex Rods and Flex Shields.  These are also complimentary to other rods and shields on the market due to their flexi-soft silicone
  2. Tree Tab Grip Efficiency: Optimized for easy placement, attachment and removal steps, our tree tab (it wouldn’t be Elleebana without our signature tree logo) gives a grip space to release the locker with gloved hands or tweezers with ease and without disrupting your flawless lash wrap.
  3. Customizable: Choose from an array of colours for your steps to suit your needs however to give a guide we like to use: “Orange” lift lockers used while the lifting lotions are processing.  We then switch to “clear” lift lockers while the setting lotion is processing – this allows an easy visual for any crossed over lashes during the ever important and extremely relevant phase of the setting process.  Having that clear visual gives purposeful guide to ensure your lashes are locked in the “right” place.  And finally, our “black” lift lockers are going to ensure your tint stains aren’t an eye sore on your social pages.  We have really thought of everything here.
  4. Durable & Long-Lasting: Made from the best materials to ensure longevity and reliability as long as cleaning methods are followed.  The same cleaning methods are required for the Lift Lockers as what you might use for your silicone Flex Rods or Flex Shields.    

California Skincare Supply has no minimum order requirement. We ship FEDEX and have a $3.00 handling fee that will be applied to every order. Orders are usually processed within 2-3 business days. Freight charges are non-refundable.

Makeup returns: We do not accept returns of any makeup that's been opened. We do accept returns of makeup if the packaging has been damaged..

Return's must be expressly authorized by CSS and are for store credit only. Returns and requests for order corrections must be made within 7 days of the receipt of the order. No returns allowed on 1/2 used product.

No unused product returns or exchanges accepted beyond 30 days of purchase date. Merchandise must not be priced or marked in anyway.

No returns allowed on equipment.

California Residents: A California Sellers Permit from the California State Board of Equalization should be provided for all orders shipped within (or purchased in) the state of California. This tax number will exempt retail products from being taxed. Products sold for professional use are always taxable in the state of California; if a Sellers Permit is not provided the entire order will be taxable.

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