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A fusion of 3 frequencies, a revolution of precision and stability for absolute efficiency.

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We Did It

Only ONE * 3 Frequencies  * 27.12 MHz * 13.56 MHz* 6.78 MHz

Over 1500 Modular Integrated Programs With Totally Customizable Programming!


  • Target
    Technique to treat the most difficult hairs for LASER and IPL, from the lightest to the darkest hair color (with and without pigment) red, white, gray, blond, very fine and duvet. 
  • Alternative
    The ideal option for customers who are reluctant or ineligible for LASER and IPL treatments.
  • Tailor-made
    The perfection of retouching to finalize any hair removal treatment previously used.
  • Complementarity
    Correction of hyperhairs and other complex and problematic hairs, for optimal results.
  • Globality
    The ability to depilate all areas of the face and body.
  • Serenity
    Allows to bypass the restrictions related to some drug treatments, photo-sensitizers, contraindicated for LASER and IPL treatments.
  • Universality
    For all skin colors, guaranteeing total satisfaction for both: men and women.
  • Freedom
    A treatment that is feasible without seasonal constraints, all year round.


A definitive solution to eliminate hair
An essential and complementary treatment to LASER and IPL technologies. Definitive electrical hair removal effectively destroys the hair at its root, regardless of its pigmentation.


These modulations allow you to apply much more energy while minimizing discomfort. 

  • Unique in the global electrolysis market
  • 35 years of expertise, technology used in several generations of Silhouet-Tone electrolysis devices
  • Variation of current in intensity and duration during filament insertion in the single follicle for each setting
  • Unique and tailor-made variation superior to any other competing technology
  • Ideal for Thermolysis (High Frequency), Galvanic Current and Combined Currents («Blend») techniques
  • Available for 3 frequencies : 27.12 MHz, 13.56 MHz and 6.78 MHz
  • Quick and easy access to complete pre-programmed settings
  • Ensures rapid destruction of all germ cells of the root and bulge
  • Ensures permanent results faster
  • Preserves the surrounding tissue 


Silhouet-Tone, with more than 50 years of expertise in 3 frequencies, presents its latest system offering all the frequencies recognized, effective and tolerated. This innovation aims to allow electrolysis professionals to refine parameters, customize each treatment and best meet customer expectations.

27.12 MHz

Thermolysis, Galvanic Current and Combined Currents («Blend»)


  • Exceptionally fast delivery for optimal efficiency
  • Increased power and coagulation for superior results
  • Maximum effect at the tip of the filament, ensuring precise coagulation at the base of the hair follicle and the destruction of the cells responsible for hair growth
  • Proven efficiency on all hair types, with an ideal precision for very fine and thin hair


  • The frequency 27.12 MHz = Super Flash HF broadcast
  • Energy concentration as close as possible to the filament
  • No broad diffusion, preservation of surrounding tissues thanks to the combination with Vector Modulations
  • Minimizes the loss of energy
  • Combined with Vector Modulations, it offers a very high level of comfort
  • Faster diffusion and coagulation, ideal for fine and very fine hair

13.56 MHz

Thermolysis, Galvanic Current and Combined Currents («Blend»)


  • Rapid diffusion
  • Enhanced power 
  • Effective on all hair types, with particular efficacy on very thick, extra thick and complex hairs
  • At 13.56 MHz, the radio frequency provides perfect stability for diffuse and safe hair removal


  • The frequency 13.56 MHz was programmed in Slow HF Flash broadcast mode
  • Targets the cells responsible for hair growth and effectively fights the natural resistance of the hair to optimize the penetration of energy
  • Surrounding tissues preserved thanks to the combination with Vector Modulations
  • Offers a high level of comfort
  • Increased power, perfect for very large, extra large and complex hairs
  • 6.78 MHz

    Thermolysis, Galvanic Current and Combined Currents («Blend»)


    • Exceptionally fast delivery for optimal efficiency
    • Power and speed
    • Exceptional comfort
    • This frequency has the ability to create a broader influence zone outside the filament
    • Effective on all hair types with an ideal precision for medium and large hair and complex hair 


    • Extended, gentle and deep diffusion of energy within the follicle 
    • Preservation of surrounding tissues
    • The frequency 6.78 MHz was programmed in HF Flash broadcast mode with a slightly slower pulse time and softened intensity
    • Combined with Vector Modulations, it offers a very high level of comfort
    • Ultra comfortable, performing on medium and large hair


Accessories included below:

Acessories for Evolution XHD Electrolysis MAchine


Technical Description For Evolution XHD

California Skincare Supply has no minimum order requirement Orders are usually processed within 2-3 business days. Freight charges are non-refundable.

Makeup returns: We do not accept returns of any makeup that's been opened. We do accept returns of makeup if the packaging has been damaged.

Return's must be expressly authorized by CSS and are for store credit only. Returns and requests for order corrections must be made within 7 days of the receipt of the order. No returns allowed on 1/2 used product.

No unused product returns or exchanges accepted beyond 30 days of purchase date.

No returns on equipment, handhelds or skincare tools.

Returns must not be priced, marked or damaged in anyway, and received in resaleable condition.

California Residents: A California Sellers Permit from the California State Board of Equalization should be provided for all orders shipped within (or purchased in) the state of California. This tax number will exempt retail products from being taxed. Products sold for professional use are always taxable in the state of California; if a Sellers Permit is not provided the entire order will be taxable.

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