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Circadia Flash sale

Wholesale Body Sculpting Machines

Choose from several cutting-edge, professional body-sculpting machines that use a variety of technologies, including cavitation, thermoelectric cooling (icesculpt), radio frequency, laser, LED, pressotherapy, and cupping. By targeting specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, arms, thighs, and buttocks with these machines, you can help your clients achieve the desired body contouring they desire without surgery or invasive procedures. Browse our selection of high-quality, body-sculpting machines today and take your aesthetic and med spa services to a whole new level. 

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  • P.R. Cell 2G Body Contouring Machine

    By Silhouet-Tone

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    ; The P.R. Cell 2G is a powerful body remodeling system utilizing an efficient deep-tissue massage apparatus that combines a skin fold and vacuum massage to reach deep into sub dermal tissue. Suction draws tissue up between the rollers to lift, fold, and...