Cream Hair Dye Light Brown
- SKU:
- 6557
(except Equipro, and Silhouet-Tone equipment)
RefectoCil No. 3.1 light brown is recommended to discreetly emphasize light blonde to light brown eyelashes and eyebrows. This colour tone is generally preferred by blonde clients who are looking for natural enhancement of their eyelashes and eyebrows.
Great for those clients seeking, longer, fuller lashes! Tinted lashes appear clearly denser as the tinting accentuates the full length of the lashes often faded by sun and water. Eyelash tinting highlights and lengthens short lashes, adds gloss and shine to dull hairs and refreshes greying lashes. Reflectocil is also recommended for brow tinting, tinted brows appear more defined and more colour intensive. Defined brows act as a frame for the eye, making eyes appear livelier and more expressive with out without make-up.
Tip: By mixing RefectoCil No.3.1 light brown with RefectoCil No. 3 natural brown you can easily obtain any intermediate tone your client may wish!
Content: 15 ml
Sufficient for approximately 30 applications.
Please read the instructions for use.
Preparation: to gently remove eye make-up, use the non-oily RefectoCil Eye Make-Up remover. The eyelashes and eyebrows must be dry and oil-free to achieve the best possible colour results. Take out two RefectoCil eyelash protection papers. Moisturise the client's lower lid using the RefectoCil skin protection cream and also put some on the under side of the eye protection papers. So that no colour is transferred to the skin, press an eye lash protection paper close to the lashes.
Preparation of tint: immediately before tinting, mix 2 cm of tint and 10 drops of RefectoCil Oxidant liquid (or 15-20 drops of RefectoCil Oxidant cream) into the RefectoCil cosmetic dish (Artist Palette) using the accompanying RefectoCil application stick to create a creamy paste.
Tinting: Once the client has closed her eyes, apply the colour to the eyelashes using the colour applicator stick until they are completely covered with the tint. Finally apply the same or a lighter shade to the eyebrows in the direction of the hair growth.
Development times:
Eyelashes: 10 minutes
Eyebrows: depending on the desired colour intensity.
Cleansing the eyebrows: once the development time has elapsed, remove any excess colour using a dry piece of cotton pad. Should the tint come into contact with the skin, remove any spots of tint quickly and softly using RefectoCil Tint Remover. The Tint Remover must not be used on eyelashes or the skin area around the eyes.
Cleansing the eyelashes: once the development time has elapsed, remove the eyelash protection papers as indicated by the arrow and then remove any excess colour using a dry piece of cotton pad. Finally follow by removing any remaining tint using cotton wool and water. The client must keep their eyes closed until the eyes have been fully cleansed.
California Skincare Supply has no minimum order requirement Orders are usually processed within 2-3 business days. Freight charges are non-refundable.
Makeup returns: We do not accept returns of any makeup that's been opened. We do accept returns of makeup if the packaging has been damaged.
Return's must be expressly authorized by CSS and are for store credit only. Returns and requests for order corrections must be made within 7 days of the receipt of the order. No returns allowed on 1/2 used product.
No unused product returns or exchanges accepted beyond 30 days of purchase date.
No returns on equipment, handhelds or skincare tools.
Returns must not be priced, marked or damaged in anyway, and received in resaleable condition.
California Residents: A California Sellers Permit from the California State Board of Equalization should be provided for all orders shipped within (or purchased in) the state of California. This tax number will exempt retail products from being taxed. Products sold for professional use are always taxable in the state of California; if a Sellers Permit is not provided the entire order will be taxable.
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