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SWiCH™ Dermal Rejuvenation System


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SWiCH for esthetician professional use, is Circadia's signature treatment. A unique alternative to chemical peels that takes advantage of the skin's natural repair mechanism without causing damage.

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SWiCH Dermal Rejuvenation System

A scientific breakthrough that helps enhance mitochondrial function and restores skins youthful appearance. SWiCH™ Dermal Rejuvenation System gives the skincare practitioner a treatment that performs beyond the results achievable with non-surgical peels.

Skin Type Indications:

Aging, photo-damaged or environmentally damaged skin.


  • Based on a physiological principle of inducing the natural repair system of the skin to become active.
  • Activation of the repair system effects a restoration of both sun damaged skin and intrinsic skin aging changes.
  • Helps induce repair with minimal epidermal damage.
  • Unlike most acid-based treatments, the SWiCH™ System is a leave-on system. The active ingredient remains to provide the continuous treatment for repair and restoration.
  • Treatments can be repeated at regular intervals (every 28 days) without risk of over-treatment.

The Philosophy behind SWiCH™

For over 40 years chemical peeling has been practiced by physicians to rejuvenate sun damaged skin. Both intrinsic and extrinsic aging changes have been the object of many types of skin peeling including chemical, mechanical and thermal modalities. The common thread tying these methods together is the ability of the skin to heal itself when damaged. All of these methods produce some degree of tissue destruction, which incites the natural repair process within the skin. Consistent damage to the epidermis, however, may lead to more serious side effects. In a dermal system that is already overtaxed, the use of these agents creates a greater demand on energy production.

With the SWiCH™ System, it is now possible to achieve repair of the skin without having to induce tissue damage. The body's repair systems, including that in the skin, are held in a ready state at all times. Understanding what is needed to trigger the system is the key to the efficacy of the SWiCH™ System.

Any repair system requires a large input of energy. Biologically this is in the form of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. This energy source is generated by a natural cycle as part of the metabolism of food. For the SWiCH™ system to be effective the active ingredients must penetrate into the skin. Next, the repair mechanism must be switched on and the energy supplied – just as you flip a light switch to supply electrical energy to a bulb. The three parts of the SWiCH™ System are (1) effect penetration, (2) generate energy and (3) turn on the repair system.


  • Allergy to aspirin or salicylates
  • Allergy to citric acid of any kind: oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc
  • Anyone who is highly allergic
  • Pregnant or trying to become pregnant
  • Use of Accutane within one year
  • Use of antibiotics (topical or systemic)
  • Laser surgery within the last 12 weeks
  • Using glycolic acid, Retin A, or Renova in the last 2 weeks.

Clients considering the SWiCH™ program must discontinue the use of Retin A, Renova and any AHA products prior to their treatment. The guidelines for timing Retin A or retinol use with SWiCH™ depends on individual skin type. Do not perform SWiCH™ treatments when clients are non-compliant with these guidelines, on any client with compromised skin of any type. Do not perform SWiCH™ treatments for a minimum of three months after a facelift or blepharolplasty.


System contains:
Hydrating Cleanser (4 oz)
EpiPrep (4 oz)
Cellular SWiCH (2 oz)
Fraction V (0.5 oz)
Small fan brush
Vitamin Veil Cleanser (0.5 oz)

Circadia SWiCH Dermal Rejuvenation System

California Skincare Supply The Estheticians Edge


California Skincare Supply has no minimum order requirement Orders are usually processed within 2-3 business days. Freight charges are non-refundable.

Makeup returns: We do not accept returns of any makeup that's been opened. We do accept returns of makeup if the packaging has been damaged.

Return's must be expressly authorized by CSS and are for store credit only. Returns and requests for order corrections must be made within 7 days of the receipt of the order. No returns allowed on 1/2 used product.

No unused product returns or exchanges accepted beyond 30 days of purchase date.

No returns on equipment, handhelds or skincare tools.

Returns must not be priced, marked or damaged in anyway, and received in resaleable condition.

California Residents: A California Sellers Permit from the California State Board of Equalization should be provided for all orders shipped within (or purchased in) the state of California. This tax number will exempt retail products from being taxed. Products sold for professional use are always taxable in the state of California; if a Sellers Permit is not provided the entire order will be taxable.

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